Yesterday, Zeus and I gladly returned home. We were ready to sleep in our own quiet house in our nice comfortable bed. Zeus' first stop was the dog yard which I found kind of funny since he had gone potty a few times that day already. Then he got a flea bath. P gave him another one tonight because he's still scratching.
I hit the ground running at work today and put in nearly 10 hours before I went to an after-work meeting. Luckily, Maureen provides good snacks, so Potus and I didn't suffer. Had a light salad supper, because I feel super stuffed by the end of the day. I think I had a little too much salt in my soup today and am retaining more water than usual.
Our trip was very good, even if we did do more driving than visiting. Still, I was able to spend some quality time with my sisters and parents. Visited with the Flamingos and saw some old friends at the baby shower. Even made a trip to big D to visit Aunt d. She treated me to yummy cheese enchiladas, which was my primary food objective on the trip. Sister C and I logged a lot of walking in super hot Fredericksburg for a couple of days. We did actually go into the stores we'd previously dismissed. But, we really only bought food and a Christmas party dress for me. I've been obsessing (quietly) about what to wear to this party that is about 2 weeks after my due date. I figure I'm about the size I'll be then, so last week was the perfect time to try stuff on. It's not super fancy, but it's flattering, forgiving, and I believe washable and wearable for many future occasions. All in all, the kind of purchase that is highly satisfying.
The baby shower was nice, co-ed, and not really like a baby shower at all, except for the gifts. People I hadn't seen in years were very generous and made a good sized dent in the list of "must-haves". I'll go through the registries and make sure what we got is marked off.
Zeus got to visit lots of dogs too. He met a couple at the rest stops, had a minor flirtation with a boxer in a massive truck on the highway, and after a rough start, became best friends with his goofy Cousin Sam. Sam is a largish black and white shelter dog of unknown parentage with a super sweet and klutzy temperament. He thinks he's a little dog, which makes it a little awkward when he tries to crawl in your lap. He's also very playful, which meant Zeus had a ready play buddy. Zeus thinks he's a big dog, but found the spinning butt move he uses in scuffles with his sister to be utterly ineffective against Sam's greater height and weight. Later, Zeus met Aunt d's menagerie, but didn't quite hit it off with any of them like he did with Sam. I think he would have gotten along with Bubba the Cat though, had they a longer acquaintance.
We missed the Week 17 update, since the little rental house didn't have wi-fi as promised. However, at Week 18, which begins tomorrow, Potus should be about the size of a bell pepper. Started feeling more pregnant today. It could have been all the salt, but it could just be about time. I believe I felt Potus quicken when we went bowling about a week and a half ago. The fireworks at the picnic also got a pretty major response. So, the kid is either going to be terrified of loud noises or a drummer.