We're well into summer, with Fourth of July here already. At 16 months, Cali is *just* about to walk. Or, so we've been saying for 3 months now. We're hoping she is upright by the time school starts in August. I'm not sure if Montessori has had a crawler before.... Ellie is getting more grown-up by the day, which translates into extremes of teenage sass and mature helpfulness. She also is much more physically active AND has 95% given up naps. Luckily, we've worked out an understanding called, Quiet Time, so I'm lucky enough to get a couple hours to do stuff around the house (or take a nap) most days. I'm looking into getting her involved in gymnastics or dance this fall. She definitely needs an outlet.
This spring, we bought a trailer camper to take the girls camping and foster a love of the outdoors. P had a run backpacking pre- and early parenting. However, we realized we are not up to backpacking with wee ones, so we decided on deluxe camping. So far, we've been to Potato Creek, Turkey Run and Clifty Falls in Indiana and Fort Custer in Michigan. Slowly, we're learning our way and preferences in this new field of recreation.
The garden is coming along. I even have an empty spot or two, so I know I didn't plant as many tomatoes. My seeds were decimated by cut worms, except for the zucchini (go figure). So, I will endeavor to try the tomatoes I intended this year, next year. I was really looking forward to trying them because a friend leant me a fabulous book about heirloom tomatoes that I used in making most of my selections. The biggest difference, is that I've finally given up on okra and tomatillos and am trying several varieties of carrots this year. The deer and I have compromised for now. They top one section of my bush beans and I get to keep whatever is leftover. As a lazy gardener, this works for me. I still have plenty of beans for now. It has been an incredibly moist and cool summer. I've barely had to water at all, which is no doubt helping to keep the deer and bunnies sated for now.
Dad, Ellie, and Zeus hiking at Turkey Run, Trail 7. |
Stopping to point out where a beaver had started to take down a tree. |
SMORES!!!! |
Ellie's favorite part of the hike, the "purple waterfall". |
Ellie ready for fancy dress-up day the last week of school. |
Crazy hair day, last week of school. |
My other child. |
Mom and Cali at Ogden Gardens. |
Ellie sporting "Elsa/Anna" hair. I still can't believe it's long enough finally! |
Isis Glamping. She's really not into roughing it. |
At the splash pad. |
Lake Michigan on possibly one of the coolest mornings. |
First Spa Day with Grandpa. |
Final effect after Spa Day. Grandma made the special request Elsa dress. This picture gives me goosebumps. |
Hiking through the creek up to Clifty Falls. FYI, creek bed hiking is tough! Ellie was a trooper. |
Cali slept through it. |
Matching summer dresses by Grandma. |
Green bean thief. |
Paris Market carrot that got pulled by accident. |
Just a selection from the cutting garden. |
Patient dog. Cali has also done this with the cat. |
Sisterly love. |
Keeping this for when they start fighting. |
Apparently she was hungry, or just needed a chew toy. |