The girls have two more days of school. I'm still in denial. The Taste was last week and I've gone through a period of blatant lazing around immediately after. Now, I'm in frantic household catching up mode. I have one day of 8-3:30 left. The pressure to choose correctly how to spend it is enormous. I'll probably spend at least 2 hours lost on FB and other internet time sucks. You know, like finding the perfect ironic unicorn shirt. I love those stupid FB Messenger stickers. If only I could get one of them onto a t-shirt....
Meet Ulysses S. Unicorn |
So, I'll probably finish planting my beans, weather allowing. And do some laundry. Maybe lug the crib and ottoman down to the basement that have become permanent fixtures in the upstairs hallway. I need to finish transitioning Cali's closet to summer, but she has enough for now. I also need to figure out when I'll start potty training with her. I would like to reread my manual, "Oh, Crap Potty Training" first. And, I need to schedule another pick up from AmVets. Apparently they come by about once a month. Then, I need to start filling boxes. I've already made good headway with my closet. And, I've started tucking away random things from the kitchen as I decide they are no longer needed. Once, I sort through Cali's closet again and decide what baby/toddler clothes are no longer needed, I can add those to the pile.
Isis recently had a rough week. She had a major food trap where I believe the stuck food was molding in her mouth. Needless to say, she developed a bit of an infection. So, we went to the vet Tuesday to get the opinion that she needed her teeth cleaned, bloodwork, and a two week antibiotic shot. Tuesday night, Isis was cranky (from pain) and got into a fight with Zeus. So, Wednesday we went again because her face puffed up from a puncture wound to her cheek. She was prescribed anti-inflammatories. Thursday, she actually had her teeth cleaned and 3 teeth were extracted. She's had mostly good days since, although her mouth has been a tad sore and I've been giving her food "cereal" style. It was a pricey week.
Cali has been making quiet strides in speaking and development. She wants to do a lot of things on her own. Unless we want her to do them. She uses simple sentences and can count to 12 when she doesn't forget that pesky 5. She eats a wide variety of things her sister will no longer touch. She generally eats more than Ellie, except at breakfast. As I'm sure centuries of parents have observed before, it is absolutely amazing that two creatures raised from birth in the same household have such disparate tastes. When I pack lunches, it is a rare day when they share more than one item in common.
Ellie has officially moved to BOB Books, the early early readers. My goal with her this summer will be to keep the momentum going. I've picked up a couple of games, a few different early readers, and a lot of Pins on Pinterest to keep things moving over the summer. I don't necessarily expect her to be reading on her own by summer's end, but I'd like to keep her brain working. In that vein, we'll also be working some with money concepts for math. Dad gave her a quarter for helping out the other day and ever since, she's been thinking of how she can earn more or what to spend her vast fortune on.
P is heading to Minneapolis this weekend to cheer on a friend at a Crossfit regional competition. He should finish building his new office desk tonight and will set up a spray booth next week to do the finishing. Otherwise, we're looking forward to our next camping trip to Spring Mill State Park. It'll be my first trip of the year, although the rest of them went at the beginning of May. I was in Texas with my family as my littlest sis married her beau. Now that I have a few trips under my belt, I'm going to try to be a little less finicky about food planning so I don't stress before we leave. It may take a few more trips for this to actually happen.
All dressed up for the Ballet. |
Facial mask? |
Little Boxes |
Peanut butter cup ice cream - brownie cake |
First night in her big girl bed. |
Inside the smoker at Kreuz's Bryan Market. |
Best part of camping. |
The wedding party |
Checking out the new artwalk pieces. |
Tabulating returns for the school referendum vote. |
Dad's little Saturday afternoon project. |
Pigtails. |
Our little grass caterpillar. |
The girls met some friends from school at ValPLAYso. |
Funny face #1 |
Funny face #2 |
Explaining to Miss Glass that the bead stair work, "out of order makes it more challenging." The teacher gave her props for the creative interpretation/explanation. |
First major haircut. And, we need to get it recut since it is all sorts of uneven. |
At the best accidental park equipment in town. |
Contemplating the fountain after months of visiting it off-season. |
A little monkey. |
Memorial Day pies. Peach Maple Bourbon and Strawberry Rhubarb. |
Yoga outdoors on Tie-dye shirt day. |