We've been in school mode for about 6 weeks now. I just reread the last couple posts and it was a little heartbreaking to consider where we were at the end of the school year and where we are now. Ellie has just restarted BOB books the last couple weeks. We didn't do anything this summer. When I did attempt to get her to sound stuff out, she acted like she'd had a lobotomy and rather than give her a bad taste for reading, I just let it go. We kept reading our chapter books and books with Cali and listening to our stories at breakfast (and several other times a day as allowed). So, I don't think she slipped too far. Cali forgot how to count. But, has become a pretty proficient colorer for someone who's not sure which hand she wants to use. I don't think I let Ellie use crayons until she was 3 because I was terrified she'd take to the walls. Poor kid.
Cali was sick with a cold that turned into a sinus infection for a week and a half. She finally went back to school Wednesday after starting a course of antibiotics. They've really made a difference, which is always a great thing to witness since sometimes I suspect the doc gives us a script just because they've been sick for a week already. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing.
P (and his assistant Ellie) worked the Chefs Around the Table event last night at the Expo Center. It was the first time for this event, but the competition and jockeying was entertaining to watch on FB among the contestants and they kept the event coverage lively. P made 8 peach bourbon pies in the test kitchen at work and Ellie helped remind folks to get a fork and make a donation. I think it will be a solid event for years to come.
Ellie is doing well with piano and her teacher should slip her some Xmas music to practice soon. We're still trying to find our rhythm for practicing, but she does manage to fit it in most days. And, most importantly, she seems to still enjoy it.
Cali is doing better with potty-training. She rarely has accidents at school anymore, and I anticipate they'll start leaving off her diaper at naps soon. At home, we're not doing as well, although we've hit on using the my little ponies as a combo carrot/stick. She doesn't seem to realize when she has to go poop or just doesn't care if she does it in her pants, which is particularly discouraging. She's got till May to prepare for the Preschool Class, but I'm hoping she puts it together soon. Leaving the house is a bit stressful.
I'm trying to find my rhythm at home. I've managed to tame some of the worst rat's nests, but I need to be a little more systematic before the holidays descend. I've done quite a bit of graphic design for 3 different events this fall. I have a great co-chair for Tri Kappa Publicity, so I can focus on behind the scenes stuff and she is taking lead on organization and logistics. I'd like to start freshening up my skills, but I'll also have to set a more rigid schedule for that. And, start doing cardio again. Middle age is catching up to me. I've started contacting architects regarding the next house. We learned a lot from building this one. Lesson 1 was not to rush. So, we're looking at land and starting to talk design anticipating a few years for the process.
P is glad to have "Chefs" behind him for now. He's got to finish his office furniture and then I think he'll spend a lot of time in his lair with his 3D printers. He may even pick up a new game. He's anticipating some time off from major projects, I think.
First Day of School 2015-16 |
Digging at Day of Caring |
Me with Mrs. K. I voluntold her for Day of Caring. |
Cedar Point - 1st Annual trip (they both hated it) |
Speed demon. So glad/terrified Dad will be teaching them to drive. |
Formal family portrait |
Personal best for bowling at Sales Meeting. Will probably never be repeated, so I had to post :p |
Hiking at Turkey Run with a couple of Vargi |
Ellie thought this area was spooky. And that dragons might live in the caves behind her. |
Cali enjoying what might be her last hurrah in that cozy backpack. When you turn 3, you get to walk on your own.... |
Donuts and facepainting at the Popcorn Fest with Mrs. K and her Ellie. |
Working hard at Montessori |
At "the Sand" again. |
Apple orchard time. Beautiful day! |
Gloomiest flowers ever at heART Night. |
Angry bees. Dad got stung by about 5 of them the day after denying their existence. Next year, no prisoners on stinging flying things around the porches. Apparently, I have created a very friendly environment. |
Most pictures are of ponies or Equestrian Girls these days. The one on the left is Pinkie Pie and I think the one on the right is Rainbow Dash. |
Ellie stole the show at Chefs Around the Table. |
She helped Dad peddle his peach bourbon pie and was a great fundraiser. |
Together, they won the "Best Dessert" knife. |
Ellie at play |