Saturday, November 20, 2010

Home Stretch

Yesterday, we went to our 38 week appointment. It was pretty anti-climactic. We were the only people in the waiting room. There was no wait, for once. The nurse made a prediction that Potus would be a boy based on a Chinese "algorithm". Then, she spent the rest of her time in the room insisting that it was just a joke and absolutely not scientific as she had insisted at first. I think she'd had a long day.

Potus was cagey about having his/her heart rate captured. It bounced from the 170's to the 120's. Finally, the nurse was able to get it somewhat stable around 133. I forgot to ask what we were measuring at. However, we're STILL 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Which, is disappointing, but not wholly unexpected or abnormal. Dr. W showed passing interest in my still somewhat swollen right foot, but since it fits in my shoe, he made the comment that it's not bad as far as swelling goes. And, still, none of the other indicators of preclampsia are present, so no worries.

I have noticed stronger Braxton Hicks lately, so I think that is a good sign.

Today, the goal is to get the nursery all finalized. That includes:  recovering the ottoman, hanging the picture rails and the abacus, and then washing the sheet (again), and laying tinfoil in the crib in an attempt to dissuade the cat that it's a feline friendly perch.

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